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offers reliable, high-quality photocopier. Since brand reputation is a higher-order construct, it is evaluated by asking questions surrounding the 5 underlying factors. Using a measurement scale from 0 to 10 (totally disagree to fully agree), business customers are asked to evaluate each statement (i.e., the indicator variable) such as “This company offers good after-sales service.” in the questionnaire.

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Susan’s business customers are asked to provide feedback in major areas that reflect the latent constructs in the model. Questionnaire Design and Data CollectionĪ questionnaire is designed around each latent construct of interest. Based on this information, Susan developed the conceptual framework for her research project (see Figure 75).ģ. Susan is interested in carrying out a structural equation modeling exercise because her goal is to understand the relationships among these factors. Susan has previously attended an EMBA course on brand reputation, and she recalled the 5 underlying indicators that contribute to a company’s brand reputation they are corporate social responsibility, financial performance, governance, leadership, and product/service quality. Susan is interested in learning more about the driving forces behind customer loyalty, particularly factors such as brand reputation, pricing, and customer satisfaction. The company’s business customers include organizations in both non-profit and for-profit sectors. In this research example, a researcher named Susan is the marketing vice president of a photocopier manufacturer. Conceptual Framework and Research Hypotheses M., Wende, S., & Will, A., 2005), whereas data preparation will be performed in Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS.

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PLS-SEM model estimation was performed in SmartPLS 2.0M3 software (Ringle, C. Chapter 9, 10 and 11 are written to help researchers master these skill sets by demonstrating the mentioned analyses through a fictitious B2B research example in the photocopier industry.

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Since PLS-SEM is a relatively new approach to modeling, researchers who are not familiar with it may find the analytical and reporting aspects challenging, especially in the areas of higher-order constructs modeling, mediation analysis, and categorical moderation analysis. Case Study: Customer Survey in a Photocopier Manufacturer (B2B)

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